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Cheryl Kohl connects with one of her clients with the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services
September 12, 2024


Academics | Student Success

Rewarding, meaningful, insightful.

These are three words Cheryl Kohl ’26 uses to describe her internship with the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). Working as a Direct Care intern with Metro Residential Services (MRS), the Public Health and Wellness major discovered her true calling, building a significant legacy among her peers and delving into a career path that inspires her passion for helping others.

DDS provides support for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities to enhance opportunities to become fully engaged members of their community. The Department also encourages community integration, accompanying individuals on various outings and day trips, planning and leading various activities, among other initiatives. But to Cheryl, it’s much more than that. To her it is serving as a friendly face, bringing joy and new experiences to individuals who don’t always get the opportunity to experience them, and developing meaningful relationships.

As she grew more comfortable in her role, so did her creative freedom.

She received less guidance and took on more responsibility. And it never went unnoticed.

In August 2024, Cheryl was hand-picked by her supervisor to speak at the Massachusetts State House on behalf of the internship cohort she worked with through the Urban Youth Collaborative Program (UYCP). Cheryl addressed UYC interns, mentors and leaders in the DDS offices, various top officials for DDS (including former Commissioner Jane Ryder,) and other state officials. In her speech, she reflected on how her role evolved, noted how she found a passion in aiding others, and shared a memorable anecdote about a particularly impactful experience with someone she worked with.

“I was proud to share my experiences alongside other interns who, like me, found this internship to be an eye-opening and rewarding experience. Working with DDS through the UYCP has been truly inspiring.”

Cheryl Kohl addresses her peers at state officials at the Massachusetts State HouseThrough this opportunity, Cheryl experienced exponential growth both personally and professionally and is confident with her career path trajectory. This internship led her to explore a path in human services, potentially specializing in supporting individuals with disabilities.

“The most valuable part of my internship was the hands-on experience and practical application of many concepts I learned from classes at Curry, along with my interactions with the individuals MRS serves. These experiences influenced not only my perception of individuals with disabilities but also my potential career path.”