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Our mission is to ensure that ÎçÒ¹¿ì²¥ supports its students in the reading, writing, and critical thinking practices they will need for success in their careers, communities, and personal lives. Our WAC program strives to:

  • Provide evidence-based teaching strategies rooted in current research;
  • Engage faculty from all Departments and Programs in formal workshops, individual consultations, and informal “brown bag” lunches;
  • Develop and implement disciplinary-specific workshops for Departments and classrooms;
  • Help the faculty design and implement reading and writing enhanced courses (RWEs);
  • Create a respectful and thoughtful collegiate atmosphere to discuss issues of reading and writing;
  • And contribute to the larger WAC/WID and SoTL national community.

We accomplish these goals by offering an innovative Faculty Writing Fellows program, workshops on pedagogy and disciplinary-specific writing practices, one-on-one consultations, and by assisting faculty interested in developing advanced, writing-based courses.