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The decision to report sexual assault and harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence is a personal one for each victim-survivor. Your first priority should be to care for yourself and use helpful resources. As you try to decide whether or not you would like to report, confidential resources, found on this page, can help you evaluate what, if any, reporting option is right for you.

As you evaluate whether to report, these are some benefits of reporting:

  • Reporting does not necessarily mean an investigation will occur.  Even if an investigation does occur, you can decide how much you will participate in that investigation.
  • You can decide whether you will report the incident to ÎçÒ¹¿ì²¥, law enforcement, both, or neither.
  • Reporting to the Title IX Coordinator allows you to use interim support measures like no contact orders, course and assignment schedule adjustment, housing relocation, assistance with transportation, work schedule adjustments, communication with financial aid, and other resources.  You can use these interim measures whether or not you decide to participate in an investigation.
  • Those reporting sexual assault, harassment, intimate partner violence, and stalking will not be subject to disciplinary action for being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs at the time of the incident, so long as their use was not harmful to others
  • Reporting is an integral step in Curry's efforts to prevent and respond to all forms of sexual misconduct.
  • Reporting to the Title IX Coordinator may initiate an investigation, which is the means by which ÎçÒ¹¿ì²¥ can hold its community members individually accountable if they are found responsible for committing acts of sexual misconduct.
  • While reporting anonymously limits Curry's ability to respond to your individual report, it does provide Curry with more information about how these incidents occur in our community.
  • Regardless of the outcome of a report, retaliating against someone for reporting or cooperating with a report is prohibited. ÎçÒ¹¿ì²¥ will take steps to protect you from and respond to any retaliation, regardless of the outcome of your report. 
  • For some people, reporting is a way to reassert control and action in your own life.
  • Many perpetrators commit these crimes repeatedly. While your first obligation should be to your own welfare, some people find reporting to be an important part of their support for a larger community.
  • You can decide to report at any time. The sooner you report, the more ways ÎçÒ¹¿ì²¥ can respond to support you and investigate your report.

Remember, whether or not you decide to report, you can use the confidential resources found on this page, at any time.