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Felicity Monfils '22 posing in the quad
May 10, 2022


Academics | Student Success

Criminal justice major Felicity Monfils ‘21 won the Alpha Phi Sigma Student Member Achievement Award, a national award from the criminal justice honors society. Nominated students must make an extraordinary contribution to their local chapter of the honors society, demonstrate leadership of a chapter or campus project, and have an overall record of achievement. 

This past year, Monfils served as vice president for the local chapter, Lambda Alpha. With a strong interest in working with crime victims, she helped organize a drive for the Sojourner House in Providence, Rhode Island. The women who reside there have a history of domestic abuse and/or have been trafficked. Together with the chapter president, she delivered more than $1,000 worth of food, new clothes, and other household items meant to support the women in re-establishing their own homes. 

“The criminal justice system has always fascinated me,” said Monfils. “My future goal is to become an attorney and learning the key aspects of the criminal justice system served as a great backbone before attending law school. I also find joy in helping and learning from others, which I was able to do as the vice president of Lambda Alpha.”

Monfils did an internship as a paralegal for the U.S, Department of Labor. She is now a paralegal intern at the data analytics company, Seeq. “My day-to-day role in this company is to review documents to make sure they are executed correctly, working directly under the Chief Legal Officer learning the ins and outs of the company and the legal team’s responsibilities. This job is a huge learning experience, as it has taught me about tech contracts, negotiation, and importantly my co-workers’ career paths.” 

Criminal Justice Professor Jen Balboni, who nominated Monfils for the award, said, “Felicity is a highly motivated, intelligent, young woman. She made significant contributions to our local chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, demonstrated leadership through her work in the drive for the Sojourner House, and has an impressive record of achievement.”